Thursday 2 May 2019


Here are the most popular posts from April:

1. Setting Undercurrent News Straight - Global Fish Farm/Seafood Industry Press: It said the Cooke collapse in WA affected the BRoughton move to take out fish farms in BC, along with other things. The main issue is that DFO does not manage by 'evidence and science' unless it suits their purposes. But now, BC might be able to take over wild salmon.

2. Wild BC Salmon Plan - Contact your MLA: Here is how we solve the BC wild salmon problem, along with putting fish farms on land.

3. Sum of Us Takes on Fish Farms, BC: Here is my letter to Sum of Us for taking on the good fight to put fish farms on land, and raise a vegetarian so they are not killing protein to feed protein. Please sign the petition.

4. DFO SRKW Measures 2019: Instead of doing what it should be doing, DFO is closing sport fishing rather than having managed chinook and SRKWs properly for the past 50 years.

5. Cermaq Takes Aim at Nova Scotia: It's not about bringing jobs and revenue to NS, but realizing the door to in-ocean is starting to close in BC.

6. 277 On-land Fish Farms: It is time to get out of the water, as my list has several hundred on-land farms already. This is the all time most popular post on my site, so everyone realizes fish farms can be on land, but fish farms want to keep on using the ocean as a free, open sewer.

7. Tough Limits Set on Catching Chinook: Instead of doing the right thing - lots of netpens of chinook and freshwater habitat restoration, DFO is closing fishing, something that beggars the economy and doesn't bring another fish back from extinction level chinook.

8. DFO, Salmon and Killer Whales:  This is the right answer to chinook, SRKWs and wild salmon in BC.

9. Fish Farms Kill Wild Salmonids - Says 'Status of Wild Salmon in Norway - 2018':    

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