Sunday 19 May 2019

DFO Does Not Use 'Evidence and Science' That Doesn't Agree with It's Fabricated Story - Updated Jan 28, 2020

Hi Jonathan Wilkinson et al

It is time to stop saying that DFO uses ‘evidence and science.’ When DFO deals with fish farms, it is decidedly not true. DFO uses the story it wants to serve the narrative it has, and ignores science and evidence, or won't test, say for PRV, so it has no evidence against fish farms. Hmm.

Read this post, and the dozen other examples in another post, just below this:

In my opinion, as bad as this is, the worst case was when DFO and the CFIA conspired to find a lab that would give you/them a ‘no disease response’ for fish farms diseases, and chose the Gary Marty one in BC, after its own, DFO, lab found disease in BC fish farms. After reading all the FOI material culled from your and the other agency, I would call this fraud. Any reasonable person calls it fraud.

DC Reid

This is the post that has almost a dozen cases of DFO not using evidence and/or science:

This is the post I mention that should be DFO/CFIA fraud:  Jonathan Wilkinson, I want the Attorney General to investigate your ministry for fraud. And then send me the letter on the case.

Yet, another long case of refusing to use 'evidence and science' is DFO's pulling out of planned research two days before it was set to begin, by refusing Dr. John Volpe a source of Atlantic salmon from BC fish farms. 

Fortunately, Volpe found another source of fish farm salmon, and went on to research the escapes/leakage from BC fish farms, and the presence of Atlantic salmon and progeny, meaning adult fish spawned, fry were produced and both fry and adult were present in many BC rivers in following years, even though DFO maintains it couldn't/can't happen.

Here is one of the posts I did on this subject: I did several on Volpe's work.

Note that the shocking 'evidence and science' that DFO ignored was that Volpe found adults and progeny in 40 Vancouver Island rivers that his team swam, that had multiple BC salmonid populations, that is 97% of the rivers that he studied. This is shocking, yet DFO claims there is no 'evidence and science': This is just one of the posts I wrote, but it leads to the conclusion that at the lowest 'escape/leakage' rate of .003% (meaning a third of 1 percent) that 153,000 farmed Atlantics escape per crop in BC.

And, Google this for a long list of websites that discuss the Volpe research and escaped Atlantic salmon in BC:

Stop making DFO look foolish, and stop using the 'evidence and science' defense, because DFO does not use science that does not agree with what it wants to do, which is put more fish farms in BC waters, even though the BC population lost patience with you a very long time ago over fish farms. I would add that anywhere in the world where citizens have to live with in-ocean fish farms, they come to hate them, because their elected governments won't take them out and put them on land.

If you like them so much, put them in the Rideau Canal in Ottawa and see how long you like them.


And another case of evidence being evaded All that fish farms need is a plan for lice. Doesn't matter whether they use it, Jonathan. This one is DFO employees complaining about the DFO non-action to save wild salmon. AM comments.

And, yet another case: read this one for DFO four times refusing to use science and evidence over PRV:

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