Wednesday 15 May 2019

Ches Crosbie Response to Mr. Bill Bryden - Aquaculture, May 15, 2019

Hi Ches Crosbie

I have your letter to Mr. Bill Bryden on aquaculture, namely in-ocean fish farms [in NL].

In response to question 2 you state:

“I have been told that there is not any viable land based salmonid aquaculture anywhere
in the world. Such a transition would have to prove to be viable to be successful.”

If you were told this by a government worker, that person needs to be taken off the aquaculture file.

If you were told this by a fish farm company, say Norway’s Grieg, you need to disregard what you have been told, as they are only interested in staying in the ocean, using it as a free, open sewer.

I have a list of nearly 300 on-land fish farm systems, comprising almost 20,000 on-land fish farms around the world:

And I have a growing list of positive news stories about on-land fish farms around the world:

The future is for on-land fish farms. Just look at Atlantic Sapphire in Florida and its on-land plant that aims to produce several times the output of all of Canada’s fish farm industry, and take Canada’s main market.

DC Reid

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