Tuesday 16 July 2019

FAKE - F__king Aquaculture Kills Everything

Under the world's worst acronym, DFO, in its 'impartiality', is putting together a plan to manage fish farms. Its acronym is: FARM - Framework for Aquaculture Risk Management, and it is indeed FAKE.

Please send your note to DFO and Justin, that we want fish farms out of the water.

Emphasize that this is a crisis. After managing chinook salmon into extinction for 50 years, and after managing killer whales into extinction for 50 years, DFO wants to give us more of the same, and wipe out salmon and killer whales all together.

How does FARM come in?  Ah, that's because fish farms kill off wild salmonids, particularly in Clayoquot Sound where chinook were down to 501 returnees in six streams in 2012. With 20 fish farms in the way, and with lice completely out of control in 2018 and 2019, with counts up to 100 lice per farmed fish, the reality is that fish farms are killing wild chinook (and sockeye, chum and so on) and thus killing killer whales too. So, fish farms kill killer whales.

DFO has put out a number of papers to which to refer. The second one explains FARM:

1. Consultation on the Framework for Aquaculture Risk Management: http://dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/consultations/farm-cgra/farm-consult-cgra-eng.html#contact.

2. Framework for Aquaculture Risk Management: http://dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/consultations/farm-cgra/farm-cgra-eng.html

3. Study on the State of Salmon Aquaculture Technology: http://dfo-mpo.gc.ca/campaign-campagne/aquaculture/study-eng.html. Introduces the committee.

4. Government of Canada Announces new Way Forward on Aquaculture Management and the Protection of Wild Salmon: https://www.canada.ca/en/fisheries-oceans/news/2018/12/government-of-canada-announces-new-way-forward-on-aquaculture-management-and-the-protection-of-wild-salmon.html

I am preparing a response which is taking a lot of research of other papers, but, in a nutshell: we are in a crisis here and this plan might have worked 40 years ago in the 80s, but we are decades beyond that, with DFO failing to conserve wild salmon, and wild killer whales, and with FARM going to kill off the remaining chinook salmon in BC - the outside of Van Isle has only 6,000 wild chinook returnees - and their fry get killed by lice, and the adults catch jaundice anemia from fish farms with PRV.

So DFO has been killing off chinook and killing off killer whales. Now it is going to complete the job because of its preference for fish farms. It's FARM says it will rethink the plan five years from now. Well, Jonathan, and Justin, if you have cut off the sport fishery in 2019 to save killer whales after killing off Fraser chinook through lack of management, we don't have five years.

And here is a morning's fishing from the 60s. Note all the chinook. Jim Gilbert is in the first row, above and left of the camera flash:

DFO has managed these Nahmint chinook into nothing, and has done the same with Fraser chinook. And with...  And.........

Please send a note.

You can find any MP email address here. Just click on the image: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Parliamentarians/en/members.

Even Prime Ministers used to be able to catch fish, Justin. This is the land-locked Dief the Chief Diefenbaker and a winter morning's Saanich Inlet fish with Jimmy Gilbert as guide.

"His eyes blazing and his finger stabbing the air, John George Diefenbaker set 1950s Canada alight with his vision of a bountiful land on the threshold of greatness."

How about doing it again, Justin.

I am doing an in depth piece on these issues, and will post it when done. Research takes time.

And I have now done the research piece. See it here: https://fishfarmnews.blogspot.com/2019/07/dfos-public-consultation-on-framework.html.

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