Wednesday 29 January 2020

Why the Public Doesn't Like Fish Farms - Grieg Seafood Canne't Figger Tit Owt

Per Grieg

You wonder what can be done to make people like fish farms.

The reason is: the gross environmental carnage caused by in-ocean fish farms.

But you don’t see what is staring you in the face. You see the problem as: ‘Salmon farmers have to work harder to change public perceptions.’

This is a variation on the old communication’s spin that you have to solve the misinformation by educating the public so they understand how wonderful in-ocean fish farms really are. You have been doing the same thing for 50 years and expecting a different outcome.

And that is the problem: instead of making changes, like putting fish farms on land and using their sewage for aquaponics, your perception is that there is something wrong with the public who don’t like in-ocean fish farms. You will keep on getting the same answer because you keep on saying the public is the problem.

If you want to solve this issue, here is the answer: put all of your fish farms on-land, sequester sewage and reuse it, avoid the use of antibiotics, lice chemicals, all in-ocean diseases and so on. And eliminate using ocean forage fish for feed. Make it from another source so that you are not killing protein to make protein, and taking food from the mouths of hundreds of millions of 3rd World people. See the Sea Around Us document. (1)

Don’t change consumers, change the industry, and the public will change their attitude. You are behind the 8-ball on this one. Right now, my list of 308 on-land fish farm companies are making the changes the public wants. (2)

And here is my list of 300 good news articles on on-land advantages in the past year. (3) .

And companies like Atlantic Sapphire, on-land in Florida USA, are on the brink of wiping you out. You don’t have much choice. So make the choice for on-land and people will like you.

DC Reid


1. The Sea Around Us Document can be found here:

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