This post documents the high number of
escaped fish from fish farms in Chile. The same Norwegian companies that
operate in BC operate in Chile. Cermaq Mainstream, for example, lost 15% of its
stock to lice in Chile in the last year. In Norway, the sea lice loss is pegged
at $170 Million and $30 Million in Scotland. Here in BC, the same companies are
still fighting the notion that lice kill salmon fry.
Now the escaped fish of Chile:
ABSTRACT: The exponential growth
of the salmonid farming industry during the last 3 decades has created
conditions for massive escapes of these exotic species into natural
environments in southern Chile. Here, we review and update information
about salmonid escapes from 1993 to 2012 and examine their potential
environmental, social, and economic consequences. We estimate that more than 1 million salmonids escape each year from
marine farms, mainly due to weather conditions and technical and
operational failures of net-pens. While a decrease in the magnitude of escaped
Atlantic and coho salmon has occurred during the last several years, escaped
rainbow trout have not followed the same pattern. Rainbow trout have become a
greater threat to native ecosystems due to their greater potential to establish
self-sustaining naturalized populations. The main ecological effects of
escapees are related to short-term predatory effects upon native fish, long-term
effects linked to the likelihood of farmed salmon establishing self-sustainable
populations, and disease and pathogen transfer to native fauna. More research
is needed to identify and develop reliable indicators to estimate the impact of
escapees at the ecosystem level in both marine and freshwater systems. An
understanding of the mechanisms of coexistence between native fishes and
introduced non-native salmonids may be useful to design effective management
strategies aimed at protecting native fish from salmonid introductions. A
precautionary approach that encourages local artisanal and recreational
fisheries to counteract colonization and naturalization of salmon species in
southern Chile may constitute another management option.
Further down, from the same article:
The infectious salmon anemia virus has
also been documented in salmon farms in Norway, Canada, Scotland, the USA, and
recently in Chile, causing enormous damage to the industry and the local and
national economy (Niklitschek et al. 2013). In Chile, the potential transmission of diseases from farmed salmonids
to other taxa such as marine birds and mammals is yet unknown. However,
preliminary evidence of skin lesions in dolphins has suggested a potential link to the salmonid aquaculture industry (S. Heinrich pers.
This is the first suggestion I have read that begins to document that
some fish farm diseases are being passed to warm blooded animals, something
that one would not expect because changing hosts of different temperature
typically kills the infection; however, you will note the reference.
The graphs on production of farmed fish are good in this document from
the main areas in the world. Unfortunately, Pacific and Atlantic production in
Canada are lumped together, when they are 5,000 miles apart in different oceans
and should not be conjoined.
In addition, look at the high concentration of farms in Chile and
compare this with the 130 licences in BC.
From the Niklitschek article:
Chile is the second largest producer of farmed salmon
in the world. After reaching a peak harvest of 631 000 tonnes in 2008, a severe
sanitary and production crisis triggered a major legal and operational
reorganization, and an imminent expansion of the industry into the Ayse´n
Fjords System (AFS). This expansion has caused increasing national and
international concern about its potential negative impact upon this pristine
area, which holds a mosaic of unique ecosystems and three World Biosphere Reserves.
This paper reviews and provides some upper bounds to potential impacts under
two feasible production scenarios. It is
concluded that severe but highly localized mid-term damage to the sea-floor
bottom may affect up to 6200 ha. Although this surface area represents only
0.5% of the AFS, the high heterogeneity and limited scientific knowledge of
local ecosystems increase the risks of damaging sensitive habitats, communities
or populations. While additional inputs of up to 60 000 t of nitrogen and 8000
t of phosphorus can be predicted, the estimation of carrying capacities is a
pendant and urgent task to be accomplished in this area. If current escape
rates are not reduced, the average number of escaped salmon may exceed 4.4
million individuals each year, able to consume up to 6600 t of pelagic prey
from local ecosystems. We recommend following a strict precautionary approach,
not granting new farming leases until sufficient information about the risk and
magnitude of these impacts is obtained and transformed into effective
management actions. Key words: aquaculture, Chile, environmental impact,
farming, Patagonia, salmon.
DC: In
other words, the fish farm companies are trashing these world class pristine
wilderness areas in Patagonia as they do in all of the areas they set up shop
promising jobs and revenue. In Chile, during the ISA crisis in 2008, some
13,000 to 26,000 indigenous people lost their jobs.
In BC,
after 30 years, the actual fish farm employment is only 795 jobs and GDP contribution is
a very small $61.9 Million. They put out more sewage than the entire population
of humans in BC. I will document this figure in a future post.