Friday 20 October 2023

On Land Fish Farms - More than 400

This is my third post on on-land fish farms around the world.

This file lists most of the farms up to 400:

Now, the next group from 2023:

On-land Fish Farms

410. Icelandic family raises €42m for land-based salmon farm after selling wild harvesting, processing businesses...

409. Proximar completes Japan’s first RAS, begins considering next facility...

408. Floating RAS

407. Soreby to Launch Red Drum RAS, Maine

406. Local Coho, US

405. Thor Landeldi, Iceland

404. Malaysian Barramundi

403 Local Coho

402. Salmon Gigante secures on-land expansion financing:

401. First Water – Iceland

400. Sorby’s red drum RAS to come

399. Gigante – Norway

Saturday 26 August 2023

Fish Farms Bad for Lobsters

Inka Milewski has done some more science on the problems with fish farms in Atlantic Canada:

This time she shows there is evidence of problems with lobsters and the seabed.

"Not every bay, harbour, or inlet along Nova Scotia's coast is suitable for open net pen fish farming. That message is one of the conclusions of a multi-year study examining the recovery of the sea bottom in Shelburne Harbour during the months and years after the fish cages have been removed."

After two years of study after a fish farm was removed, there remain toxic problems: "She says that long after the last salmon were harvested at the former Sandy Point farm site in Shelburne Harbour, the sea bottom remains toxic and marine life has not recovered."

"Her study found that 50 to 90 percent of the sea bottom under and around the former fish farm remains covered in white sulfur-tolerant bacterial mats and sediment copper and zinc levels are still at toxic levels. Copper and zinc are additives in fish feed and are used in anti-fouling products found in marine paint and coatings for nets and rope.

Sediment sulphide levels, the only measure the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture uses to evaluate environmental health, are also still above acceptable limits." Typical for goverment is that they only look at very restricted research and then choose to ignore that limited science.

"Milewski said that her study shows that the location of fish farms matters and she hopes that the recommendations from the independent panel reviewing aquaculture regulations in Nova Scotia will address the need for better site selection criteria and process.

Milewski said that a more robust site selection process would avoid putting open net pen farms where there is a greater likelihood of environment damage, traditional fisheries displacement, and community dissatisfaction."

So, fish farms cause serious problems long after they are taken out of the water, and government fails to enforce laws against them.

Thursday 29 June 2023

Nearly 80% of BC Residents Don't like In-ocean Fish Farms

The most recent poll has determined that almost 80% of BC residents don't like in-ocean fish farms. They want them removed and placed on land to avoid polluting the ocean with sewage and killing wild salmon with lice and viruses.
See here: The reported results? 78% of respondents want fish farms out of BC waters. Read more.

Here is the most recent poll:
The previous poll, on this site, said 75%. Well, now it is 78%, or four out of every five British Columbians.

From the Claoquote Sound group that wants fish farms out of the water, here is the text from the report:

"The Transition Planning Team found almost exactly the same results. Yet they hid those in ‘ANNEX B’, on page 31 of their 34 page report. Here you will find that 78% of respondents want fish farms removed from the water, with economic supports focussed “into other sectors not related to aquaculture” (such as tourism).

"The report goes on to say “In general…Industry Representatives support a transition to…salmon aquaculture industry which drives innovation and supports the use of new technology”. In other words: ‘slow down here, we’ll keep on innovating and tweaking unproven and unworkable technologies in the ocean, until the last wild salmon is gone’."

Here is what Clayoquot Action says:

"This is not polarized

"The Department’s Framework for Discussion states: “There are strongly held, polarized views among Canadians on the benefits and risks of open-net pen salmon aquaculture in BC”. Political polarization is defined as “the divergence of political attitudes away from the center, towards ideological extremes”. That’s not what is happening here: the removal of salmon farms is supported by all the groups mentioned above, as well as the entire west coast commercial salmon fishing fleet and the union which represents the shoreworkers, tenders, and fishers.

"The salmon farming industry’s only support comes from people who directly benefit, whether they are First Nations, workers, bosses or shareholders. The membership of Nations and family members of workers are willing to (and do) speak out against salmon farms."

Thursday 7 July 2022

Climate Change Effects on Salmon, Studies and Selected Salmon Restoration Projects, Fourth Post

This fourth post will build links to articles on climate change effects on wild salmon. So check back from time to time, and go read/view the posts here, for example, Patagonia's movie Artifishal, item 2, third post. It is one hour 20 minutes. More coming.

Here is the link to the first post in this series, 200 articles:
Here is the link to the second post in this series, 200 articles:

Here is the link to the third post in this series, 500 articles:

I will also write an article on what to do with salmon to adapt to climate change. Go take a look at Peltier Tiles, as they look to me to have lots of application, including electricity generation, cooling water, pumping water up stream and so on.

Peltier Tiles: Browse the articles here to gain an understanding of these adaptable items.

And go back to read 200 articles on climate change and salmon here: https:/

And here is the new, fourth post, starting at item 901, which is to say, add the number from an article to 900 and you arrive at the correct number for a total:

9. Bristol Bay Sockeye Highest in 137 Years - 46.6M:

8. Bioengineered Canola - could fill complete need for fish oil:

7. Changing Fish Waste Products to Human Food -

6. Find and Pursue Pollutiin with Drones:

5. Rivers Become Salmon Tea - when salmon come home, spawn and die, AK:

4. First Nation Reaches 1M Fry Released - PEI:

3. Protecting Bristor Bay Salmon for the Long Haul - AK:

2. Bristol Bay Sockeye to Shatter Records - :

1. Mine Effects on Salmon and Trout - AK:

Thursday 9 June 2022

Tasmania Is Fully Against the Fish Barons and Governments that Don't Listen to Citizens


Neighbours of Fishfarming SontoepsrdPu10ah2 35a031Jin4 7922t9: e8t aM02tc
Today in the Mercury Talking Point:

Parliamentary report into fish farming industry can’t be ignored

Recommendations from a Legislative Council report on fin fish farming in Tasmania leaves salmon companies no where to hide, writes Peter George

A TURNING point in the debate about the future of Tasmania’s farmed salmon was reached about a week ago with the tabling of a parliamentary report into the industry.

Its 194 findings and 68 recommendations leave the salmon barons nowhere to hide.

They draw a stark picture of an industry out of the control of its regulator, an industry that gets what it wants even before the essential research is complete and an industry so arrogant that social licence is a meaningless concept to the salmon barons who control it. The report makes for appalling reading amounting to a litany of damning evidence that industry, government and regulator are locked in an embrace that pursues the industry’s interests over those of Tasmanians.

Couched in the dense language of a parliamentary report, it marks the first time that conclusive evidence and soaring community concern have been heeded and addressed.
Full credit to the independent members of the Legislative Council. It takes courage to speak truth to powerful entrenched interests, especially industrydominating Huon Aquaculture owned by the $50bn Brazilian multinational, JBS, with its track record of corruption, bullying and bribery. Core to the report is a halt to any form of expansion of the industry without a complete revision of the overarching “growth plan” to include genuine stakeholder consultation; environmental, social and recreational values; and transparent, evidencebased decision-making.

On that recommendation alone industry and government fail.

Perhaps more significant is recommendation 3: priority is given to stopping all salmon farming in inshore, sensitive, sheltered and biodiverse waterways.

That means an end to fish pens in – at least – Macquarie Harbour, the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, the Huon River and estuary, the Tamar River and Long Bay, right next door to World Heritage-listed Port Arthur.

If this important recommendation were adopted it would spell an end in its current form to the salmon industry along with an end to its coastal depredations, its cruelty to and destruction of marine life and the slow asphyxiation of its own livestock in rapidly warming waters.

No wonder the salmon barons are demanding access to the last of the state’s coastlines still free of open-net salmon cages. By clamouring to expand into Bass Strait, the industry implicitly acknowledges warming waters make its in-shore operations increasingly unsustainable.

Now the MLCs are saying it does not even have justification to be there.

In almost embarrassing detail the report eviscerates the whole edifice that supports the industry: lack of real science underlying decisionmaking; opaque processes allowing the industry to do what it wants; failure of fresh water quality management for salmon hatcheries; the regulator’s lack of resources; failure to produce just returns to the community for the use of public waters; failure to properly penalise industry violations; risible fines for littering foreshores and waterways with marine debris; and even the failure to set proper limits for the amount of filth and faeces salmon cages are allowed to spew into public waters.

A disappointment is the MLCs’ failure to investigate obvious alternatives to opennet fish farming, just as last month’s so-called Salmon Symposium also ignored the blindingly obvious. Landbased salmon production in closed-loop facilities would be economically attractive if the salmon barons were paying their way for the use of our waters, for the impact on environment and community, for the cost of regulation, monitoring and policing, for the mistreatment of livestock and for their huge carbon emissions.

The Federal elections have revealed what happens to governments and politicians who fail to heed the electorate.

Tasmania will not long remain immune to the mood that generated the so-called “teals”.

In an expanded parliament, the major parties will need to cock an ear to what increasing numbers of Tasmanians want – not to what the salmon barons demand.

Peter George is a former ABC foreign correspondent, the president of Neighbours of Fish Farming and co-chair of the Tasmanian Alliance for Marine Protection.

Monday 2 May 2022

Bad News Bites - 17th Post

I receive 30 global press fish farm/seafood industry newsletters every week. In these, I have found a startling amount of bad news, and decided to do a post on it. I had no idea there was as much bad news as there is. This is my 17th post. And the last post ended at 7,000 problems, as I put 500 in each post before starting a new one.

Some days I am stunned by the amount of bad news in the fish farm/seafood industry.  Find the fifth BAD NEWS BITES post here: And that reaches 2,000.

Here is a summary of the bad news stories:

"In one mouthful, here are the kind of stories I am finding: boom bust industry, billions made and lost, crisis in lice and disease, bankruptcy, workers fired, executives jumping company to company, dividing big bonuses, fraud, corruption, litigation, conflict of interest with government and scientists, using the ocean as a free open sewer – $10.4 Billion in BC alone, killing of whales, seals and sea lions – more than 12,000 in BC so far, slavery, unpaid labour, taxpayers paying millions for diseased, dead fish – $177 Million in Canada, dueling scientists, weakening of laws, unsustainable feed, illegal fishing, jail sentences, disasters in Norway, Scotland, Chile, Canada, bullying of scientists, governments and anyone critical of their business, cartels, collusion, price fixing, fishing down the food chain to Antarctic krill, carcinogens and persistent organic pollutants, fluoroquinolones, chicken feathers in feed, animal feces in feed, eutrophication in a time of global warming, Malachite Green fungicide in Chilean seafood, fake industry awards, all the wild salmon in the Pacific ocean, more than a billion, put in peril... it goes on."


Dec 11, 2017
: I found 500 BAD NEWS BITES in less than 3.5 months. That means well over 1000 in a year. That is how much bad news there is in fish farms/seafood industry. This post, the sixth, may be found here:

Dec 9, 2020, my 15th post, moved to 6,500 problems:

And, now that I have reached 500 more BAD NEWS BITES, and reached the huge total of 7,000 bad news bites with the fish farm/seafood industry, it is time to start a new post, and move on to 7,500 problems:


135. Mowi Can't Keep Medicine Stats Private - Chile:

134. Dead Fish Removed from Wellboat - 24,000, Chile:

133. Cartel - SVN buys Visir for #226M:

132. Disease - 800,000 fish cull, NRS, Norway:

131. 180MT Salmon Lost - Australis Seafoods, sinking wellboat:

130. Nova Astral Loses Three Licences - Chile:

129. Bumble Bee Loses Three More Execs - :

128. Feed Price too Low - Skretting:

127. Ukraine to Lose $136M Seafood if War Goes On - :

126. Distributor Files for Bankruptcy - :

125. Norwegian Salmon Fraud - :

124. New Licences, Huge effect on Wild Salmon - chief says, BC:

123. Salmon Farm Disaster Changed Fish Farming Foreverr - WA, US:

122. DFO's Pathogen Science 'a Joke' - Stan P, Alex Morton:

121. Three Licenses Revoked - for over production, Noval Austra, Chile, $1M fine:

120. Three More Execs Lost - Bumble Bee:

119. Fines for Water Extraction - Mowi, Norway:

118. Aquaculture Should be Carbon Neutral - :

117. Fish Farm Licenses Extended Two Years - BC:

116. Criticism of DFO Transition Plan - Murray:

115. Globally Overfished Fish Hit 35% - :

114. Undercooked Shrimp Withdrawn - Sainsbury, Waitrose, UK:

113. Tassal Rejects $720M Bid - for company, Cooke:

112. Study Links Pathogen to Fish Farms - BC:

111. Global Salmon Could Exceed 4MT - by 2030:

110. Workeers Sue OBI Seafoods - AK:

109. Shareholder Offloads $400M in Shares - Mowi:

108. 20% Cod, Haddock Tac Cuts - Norway, 2023:

107. 20-30-% of Chinese Plants will go Under - white fish, in next five years:

106. Offloading $400M Shares - in Mowi:

105. 76% Over Production - Australis:

104. Salmon Infecting Bacterium Disputed by Fish Farms - sure, BC:

103. Despite $85M Settlement - Norway still exposed to more prive-fixing caces:

102. Solvent Killed Hundreds of Fish - BC:

101. Lice 5 Times Above Saltwater Limit - Clayoquot:

100. Two Sailers Die from Ammonia Leak - on tuna vessel:

99. Mowi Licences in Question - BC, minister to drop in-ocean:

98. Grieg Tonnage Goes Up - 90,000T this year:

97. Mowi Site Expansion Rejected - Scotland:

96. Grieg to harvest 22,000MT in 2022 - BC, aims for 30-35,000mt by 2026:

95. Shippers Raise Fees 1000% - to US, Pacific:

94. Key Discharge Permit - almaco jack, Florida:

93. Disease - listeria, Alabama, crab:

92. Price-fixing Settlement - was it wise:

91. Lawsuit Dismissed - against Cooke, WA:

90. Insolvency - 100M Euro loss before, Dawnfresh:

89. DFO Suppresses SCience for 10 Years - PRV, Kristi Miller, Cohen Commission:

88. Collision of Crises - NZ, fuel, labour shortages, wage inflation hammer NZ King Salmon:

87. Largest Cartel Case - Norway, price fixing, millons in fines, damages:

86. Disease - ISA, Ice Fish Farm, Iceland, another farm of 1.1M:

85. Fines Upheald - court case, Mowi, wrongful dismissal:

84. SalMar to Become Second Largest Salmon Farmer - after joining with NRS:

83. Algal Blooms Growing - Scotland:

82. Delousing Affects Salmon Growth - thermal delousing is the worst:

81. Killing Fish Meal - Peru, $547M, 12% higher than last year:
81, 2M with Disease - ISA, Ice Fish Farms, Iceland:
80. Disease - ISA, Iceland:

79. Disease - ISA, Iceland, Ice Fish Farm:

78. Seafood hits $164B - after pandemic:

77. Staff Cut - 139, NZ, King Salmon, climate change, soaring costs cripple company:

76. Disease - ISA, Laxar:

75. Disease - ISA, Iceland:

74. 139 Jobs Shed - NZ:

73. $160M Smuggling Scheme - employees plead not guilty:

72. Halt to Growth - Australia about Tasmania:

71. Price Fixing - pay $85M, but deny wrongdoing:

70. Ahousaht Agreement - with Cermaq:

69. Biological Woes - high prices help offset NRS losses:

68. Deceptive Farming Allegations - BAP fails to protect Aldi:

67. Cartels - Iceland:

66. CEO Salaries - :

65. Cull - Sea Lions, seals, BC:

64. Winter Wounds - Masoval:

63. Disease - ISA, Laxar:

62. 300,000 Salmon Die - Multi-X, 4.3kg:

61. Climate Change Blamed for Increased Antibiotics Use - Chile:

60. 300,000 Salmon Die Off - Multi-X:

59. Near Collapse of Mussels, Salmon - Chile to Russia:

58. Deceptive Farming Practices - BAP fails to protect Aldi:

57. Consolidating into Cartels - Iceland:

56. Millions in CEO Salaries - :

55. Proof of Dangerous Disease - Tenacibaculum maritimum in DI farms, kills wild salmon. See paper: "Atlantic salmon farms are a likely source of Tenacibaculum maritimum infection in migratory Fraser River sockeye salmon: Vancouver, B.C. — New PSF research indicates that Fraser sockeye were much more likely to harbour the bacterial pathogen Tenacibaculum maritimum when swimming past Discovery Island salmon farms than at other points along the migratory route of these iconic fish. These findings align with past evidence that open-net Atlantic salmon farms off the coast of British Columbia are growing and amplifying pathogens that can harm wild Pacific salmon. In particular, this study provides new evidence that Tenacibaculum is transmitted to juvenile wild sockeye salmon. The study was peer reviewed and published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Canada’s leading fisheries science journal." This is a study that had the PSF as part of it.

54. Lice Now Have Resistance to Slice/EMB - in BC:

53. Illegal Fishing? No! - in Indian Ocean:

52. Winter Wounds - :

51. Lice Resistant Salmon - tests:

50. Parasitic Sea Lice Posters - BC:

49. Sea Lice Drugs Lose Effectiveness - BC:

48. Yellowfin Stock Depletion - :

47. Shark Finning On MSC Certified Boats Ignored - :

46. Loss-making Aquaculture Division to be Divested - Guolian, China:

45. Bankruptcy - :

44. Earnings/Prices Rise - a broad range of fish farm companies:

43. Salmon Prices Crash - :

42. Huon Kills 75% of Seals - at fish farms, Tasmania:

41. Suppressed Science Shows Fish Farms Kill Wild Salmon - David Suzuki:

40. FN Protest Fish Farms - wants them ended, Clayoquot Sound:

39. FN Protest Fish Farms - BC:

38. 'Tide Turning' - so says Cermaq, with govt making errors, court case:

37. Biological Challenges hit Bakkafrost - Scotland:

36. Winter Wounds - prompt harvest, NRS:

35. High Liner Sues Wynn - court case:

34. Winter Wounds - NRS:

33. Mortalities, Harvest Nearly Equal at 4.2M Fish - NL:

32. Arrest Made - at former Aldi firm:

31. Salmon Farming Moratorium - Chile, president:

30. FN, Environmentalists Want Fish Farms Out - DI, BC:

29. Fraudster Gets 10 Years - :

28. Disease - ISA, Mowi, several infections, NL:

27. Massive Earnings Swell - Q1, 65%, Mowi;

26. Equal Harvest, Dead Fish - NL, 4 million:

25. Executives Jumping Ships - :

24. Earnings Plunge 60% - Biomar, pulling out of Russia:

23. Disease - ISA, Mowi, NL:

22. Disease - ISA, Mowi, NL:

21. Second Bill to Ban Russian Seafood - Rubio:

20. Arrest - UK smoker, Aldi:

19. 'Absolutely Disgusting' - fish farm discharges, Tasmania:

18. Don't Renew Leases - DI:

17. Phase Out Fish Farms for Wild Salmon - BC:

16. Lice Infecting Wild Salmon - BC:

15. Fish Farm Lice Infecting Wild Salmon - BC:

14. Fish Farm Closures Delayed - BC:

13. Disease - ISA, Mowi, NL, 188,000 fish cull:

12. Arrest Made - UK:

11. Murray Can Still Cancel DI Licenses - BC:

10. $162M Illegal Eel Smugging - :

9. Illegal Halibut Fishing - NS, court case:

8. Does Aquaculture Industry Have Post-war Survival? - Ukraine:

7. 15 Producers Produce 50% of Salmon - not good:

6. Fortune Fish Sues Ex-employee - :

5. We Should Worry about NL Fish Farms - Placentia Bay, Grieg:

4. Ban BC Net Pens - FN:

3. More Sanctions on Russia - EU considering:
2. Ukraine Denounces Deal with Russian Fish Farmers - :

1. Salmon Prices Unsustainable - Cermaq:

Friday 1 April 2022

Just How Many Tonnes of Salmon Does Grieg Produce - Or Says it Produces?


The problem with fish farms is they say one thing while the reality is something else.

But here is what they say, April 1, 2022 (yes, April Fools Day):

A harvest of 35,000 gwt is more than double the 14,448 gwt that Grieg Seafood BC harvested last year, and more than 50% above the 21,181 gwt harvested in 2020. Grieg’s harvest volumes vary significantly every other year in BC due to local production region arrangements and larger farms with greater capacity on the west coast of Vancouver Island compared to the east coast.

Overall, Grieg aims to increase production volume from 89,327 gwt last year to 130,000 gwt in 2025, with increases from its Rogaland and Finnmark divisions on Norway and 15,000 tonnes from Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Atlantic Canada. Grieg has eight seawater licences for the bay and has built a hatchery in Marystown, NL. The first fish are due to be stocked in pens this year.

They don't say how much the people from NL and BC want them out of the water.

I'll follow these figures as Grieg has had lots of difficulty over the decades of doing what it says it will do, and is the poor brother compared with Mowi and Cermaq.

And go read my Bad News Bites posts as I am now up to more than 7,000 problems in the fish farm aquaculture world:

"In one mouthful, here are the kind of stories I am finding: boom bust industry, billions made and lost, crisis in lice and disease, bankruptcy, workers fired, executives jumping company to company, dividing big bonuses, fraud, corruption, litigation, conflict of interest with government and scientists, using the ocean as a free open sewer – $10.4 Billion in BC alone, killing of whales, seals and sea lions – more than 12,000 in BC so far, slavery, unpaid labour, taxpayers paying millions for diseased, dead fish – $177 Million in Canada, dueling scientists, weakening of laws, unsustainable feed, illegal fishing, jail sentences, disasters in Norway, Scotland, Chile, Canada, bullying of scientists, governments and anyone critical of their business, cartels, collusion, price fixing, fishing down the food chain to Antarctic krill, carcinogens and persistent organic pollutants, fluoroquinolones, chicken feathers in feed, animal feces in feed, eutrophication in a time of global warming, Malachite Green fungicide in USA seafood, fake industry awards, all the wild salmon in the Pacific ocean, more than a billion, put in peril... it goes on."

Link to 16th Post: